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(618) 468-1188
New Patients - Men
Symptoms of low testosterone can begin as early as the age of 25. Testosterone replacement is an effective way to manage symptoms such as low lbidio, low energy, erectile dysfunction, insulin resistance, and more.
New Patients - Women
Both pre and post menopausal women may benefit greatly from bioidentical hormone replacement. From hot flashes to chronic pain to weight management, hormonal imbalances may be the underlying cause of many of your symptoms.
*we require a yearly mammogram and pelvic ultrasound (if you have not had a hysterectomy) to begin hormone therapy. Please submit these reports to Kelsie at
What Is BioID?
BioIdentical hormone replacement is a safe, natural approach to addressing many medical concerns that may be affecting your overall health.
Hormones are the master controls of the body. Proper hormone balance is the key to true anti-aging medicine. When the hormone balance is ideal, all of the organs of the body can function optimally.
Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels are important for both women AND men. As the aging process occurs, the productions of these hormones decrease, causing not only sexual dysfunction but also can be related to processes such as insulin resistance (diabetes), weight gain, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, insomnia, depression, anxiety, irritability, cognitive decline/dementia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, thyroid disease, cataracts, osteoporosis, muscle loss, hair loss, and so much more.
Restoring proper hormone balance is the best way to slow the aging process and maintain the health of all of the systems of the body.

What is the cost for treatment?
Pellet Fee Schedule
- Initial Blood Work: $350
- 4 week follow up blood work: $100-$250
- Initial Consultation with Dr. Katie: – $165
- Pellet Insertion/Pellet Cost: $300-$500
– Pellets are inserted based on individual needs anywhere from 2-4 times per year. Most commonly 1x/quarter.
– There is an additional “boost” dose commonly administered at the 5 week mark after the initial pellet insertion to ensure proper hormone levels are achieved: $200-$350
- 6 month follow up blood work (first year of treatment only): $200-$350
Do hormones cause cancer?
Synthetic hormones, however, have been linked to an increase in breast cancer. Contraceptives such as birth control have also been linked to an increase in the incidence of breast cancer.
At BioID, we use only naturally compounded, 100% bioidentical hormones. We strive to educate our patients not only about hormone balance and replacement, but also about nutrition and an all-around healthy lifestyle.
Fournier, A., et al., “Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study,”
Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008; 107(1):103-11.
What are pellets?
How are the pellets administered?
Does insurance cover any of the cost for pellet therapy?
Pellet Fee Schedule
- Initial Blood Work: $350
- 4 week follow up blood work: $100-$250
- Initial Consultation with Dr. Katie: - $165
- Pellet Insertion/Pellet Cost: $300-$500 for females, $500-$800 for males
- Pellets are inserted based on individual needs anywhere from 2-4 times per year. Most commonly 1x/quarter.
- There is an additional “boost” dose commonly administered at the 5 week mark after the initial pellet insertion to ensure proper hormone levels are achieved: $200-$350
- 6 month follow up blood work (first year of treatment only): $200-$350