Weight Loss

Did you know that hormonal imbalances are one of the leading reasons for not only weight gain but also the inability to lose weight. Hormonal imbalances affect the metabolism as well as the thyroid, blood sugar, inflammation and so much more.

Low Testosterone in Men

Low testosterone can lead to fatigue, depression, migraines, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, insulin resistance and many other processes that reduce energy and performance.

Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Migraines

Hormonal imbalances of estrogen and testosterone can lead to a number of different health concerns. A simple blood test can determine your levels and your replacement needs.

Safe, Effective, Research Based

BioIdentical hormone pellets are derived naturally from plants. The benefits of pellet replacement therapy vs other standard therapies is marked. Our staff has been trained by the Hormonal Health Institute, backed up by years of clinical research and practice.

Restore proper hormone levels, slow and reverse the aging process, and eliminate symptoms of hormonal imbalances naturally.

BioIdentical hormones work WITH your body to restore function and optimize your health. Treatment with these natural hormones will be customized to your individual needs and goals.

Weight Loss

Low Testosterone in Men

Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia in Women

Safe, Effective, Research Based

What Is BioID?

BioIdentical hormone replacement is a safe, natural approach to addressing many medical concerns that may be affecting your overall health.

Hormones are the master controls of the body. Proper hormone balance is the key to true anti-aging medicine. When the hormone balance is ideal, all of the organs of the body can function optimally.

Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels are important for both women AND men. As the aging process occurs, the productions of these hormones decrease, causing not only sexual dysfunction but also can be related to processes such as insulin resistance (diabetes), weight gain, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, insomnia, depression, anxiety, irritability, cognitive decline/dementia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, thyroid disease, cataracts, osteoporosis, muscle loss, hair loss, and so much more.

Restoring proper hormone balance is the best way to slow the aging process and maintain the health of all of the systems of the body.

What is the cost for treatment?

Pellet Fee Schedule

    • Initial Blood Work: $350
    • 4 week follow up blood work: $100-$250
    • Initial Consultation with Dr. Katie: – $165
    • Pellet Insertion/Pellet Cost: $300-$500

– Pellets are inserted based on individual needs anywhere from 2-4 times per year. Most commonly 1x/quarter.
– There is an additional “boost” dose commonly administered at the 5 week mark after the initial pellet insertion to ensure proper hormone levels are achieved: $200-$350

  • 6 month follow up blood work (first year of treatment only): $200-$350
Do hormones cause cancer?
Research has shown that there is no increase in the incidence of breast or other female or male cancers when using BIOIDENTICAL hormones.
Synthetic hormones, however, have been linked to an increase in breast cancer. Contraceptives such as birth control have also been linked to an increase in the incidence of breast cancer.
At BioID, we use only naturally compounded, 100% bioidentical hormones. We strive to educate our patients not only about hormone balance and replacement, but also about nutrition and an all-around healthy lifestyle.

Fournier, A., et al., “Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study,”
Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008; 107(1):103-11.

What are pellets?
Pellets are medically compounded bioidentical hormones that come in a pellet form. The pellets are administered by one of our nurse practitioners using a local anesthetic to numb the area and a small instrument to insert them under the skin. The pellet is placed under the skin where it will dissolve in a time released fashion. A small steri strip will cover the puncture after the administration of the pellets and will heal within a week or so.
How are the pellets administered?
Pellets are placed beneath the skin in the buttock/hip area by creating a small incision in the skin and using a stainless steel instrument to place the pellets in the desired location. The pellets are extended-release. That means they don’t administer the full dose of hormones all at once. Instead, the hormones will gradually travel into your bloodstream over time. You may feel a small bump under the skin for about a week after pellet placement.
Does insurance cover any of the cost for pellet therapy?
Unfortunately, insurance companies do not cover the cost for any bio-identical pellet therapy. However, some insurance companies may help cover the cost of the office visits/consults or bloodwork that BioID clinic will perform. Our office does not directly bill insurance but upon request, we can provide you with a form and codes to submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. There is never any guarantee for payment. BioID does require full payment at or before the time of service.

Want more info?

Would you like more information about how BioID can help change your life? Submit your email and we will be in touch!



“I always knew something was off with my hormones but my doctors told me all of my blood work was normal. BioID helped uncover the imbalances that were causing my symptoms.”
– Robyn, 44

“I struggled with my weight for years but once I hit menopause there was nothing I could do to lose weight. The bioidentical hormones were the answer to not only my weight loss issues but have also helped me gain energy and focus.”
– Jackie, 61

“My energy was so low. I felt like I was too young to have such little stamina. Testosterone replacement at BioID helped me regain my energy and also improved my blood sugar levels and cholesterol.”
Brian, 42

Meet the Team

Dr. Katie Sherer

Dr. Katie Sherer is a 2011 graduate of Logan University where she earned her Doctor of Chiropractic, a Master of Clinical Nutrition, and a Master of Sports Science and Rehabilitation. Dr. Katie has practiced functional nutrition since 2011, focusing on the health of the gut, endocrine (hormone) system, and weight management.

Kelsie Steckel, Patient Liaison

Kelsie is a mother of one and avid health nut. She is passionate about health and wellness and enjoys educating patients about proper hormone balance. She is currently working towards her bachelor’s in business administration.

Deb Cunningham, FNP

Deb has been an RN for 40 years. She graduated from Lewis and Clark Nursing Program, then earned a BSN through McKendree University and Masters in Science in Nurse Midwifery and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner through University of Illinois at Chicago. Many of you know Deb from her many years of service with BJC Medical Group at Alton – OB/GYN. Deb believes in the holistic approach to hormone regulation and replacement. 

Take control of your health.

Individualized Healthcare

Have doctors told you that everything is “normal”? Does your blood work come back within normal range yet you know something is wrong? This is where BioID may be able to help. What many practitioners deem as “normal” may, in fact, be deficiencies that are causing your symptoms. At BioID, we are a patient centered clinic which means that we work with each patient individually to uncover the cause of your particular symptoms and create a plan for your unique goals.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Today!